On May 28th 2021 in the Hall of the City Council (Kumanovo), was held the Meeting for CSOs for creating a CSO platform within the project Youth Civic Education Platform for Countering Radicalization (Youth Counter).


The meeting was attended by the representatives from the organizations from Kumanovo and the cities nearby. Further, the meeting was guided by the expert and the representatives from the CSOs worked in groups.

As part of this meeting was given a short overview of the project and the process of forming the CSO platform. Within the group work, the participants put on paper their ideas on how do they think that the platform will look like as well as what could be the content of the online tools for the platform.

Through short presentation, the participants presented their ideas and received the feedback from the expert, project team and the other attendants.

To the participants were presented the template for application, potential condition for becoming a member of the platform and the proposal of how the website should look like and were shared to them for giving additional input.

*The project Youth Civic Education Platform for Countering Radicalization (Youth Counter) is implemented by the Initiative for European Perspective (IEP) – Skopje (leading partner); Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) – Kumanovo; NEXUS Civil Concept – Skopje; AKVA – Struga; CBM – Mitrovica. The Project is supported by the European Union.