Project place:  Marina di Cinisi, Italy


Project dates: 10.09.2021- 18.09.2021


Deadline for applying: 20.07.2021


About the project

Education plays a vital role in people ’s lives. It helps in shaping successful people, giving them the opportunity to become productive members of the society, performing a crucial role in counteracting the negative effects of poverty and social exclusion. Either by not being engaged in education, training or employment, the so-called N.E.E.Ts, or by leaving school in an early stage, young people run a high risk of finding themselves excluded from social life. This project aims to promote ideas and tools based on positive thinking so to help youth workers to reach and support those vulnerable groups. The project will focus on adopting positive attitude, fostering resilience and soft skills useful for youth workers to be used to support these vulnerable groups in re-engage in society.

Participants profile
  • 18+;
  • previous experience in working with young NEETs or ESLs;
  • youth workers, project leaders or youth facilitators working in the proposed theme;
  • responsibility, willingness to work as a team and openness to dialogue and confrontation;
  • good adaptability and willingness to work in a team;
  • basic knowledge of English;



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.
Attention: Only participant that have been vaccinated for COVID-19received a negative test result or recovered from COVID-19 can apply.

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD