Project place: Bilbao, Spain


Project dates: 27th September – 3rd October 2021


Deadline for applying: 20.07.2021


About the project

This training course, based on non-formal education methodologies, will contribute to their professional development, improve knowledge, competencies, abilities about the theoretical background of youth participation and different practical participative methodologies within youth centers, focusing also on different models and practices to manage youth centers according to their context and target. The training will improve participants’ competences in creating participatory settings and environments to create strategies to involve young people in processes of co-creation. The training course will also promote their personal development and skills in youth participation and different concrete participatory methodologies contribute to the involvement of young actors.

  • develop competencies in co-creation, advanced youth participation and youth work skills in youth center;
  • increase knowledge and expertise about different approaches to manage a youth center in different contexts;
  • improve competencies to provide platforms and tools to encourage youngsters to participate meaningfully in the youth center context;
  • create youth work support system for quality international youth work;
  • share various methodologies used in youth worker training programs in the context of youth centers


Participants profile
  • be able to work in English;
  • be willing to contribute with their experience to the Training course;
  • be able to attend the whole duration of the Training course;
  • have relevant experience in the topic of youth participation and youth centers;
  • be highly motivated to develop their skills in youth centers management.
  • 18+

Two participants will be selected per country, namely:
1. Municipality officer working in the youth field within the municipality;
2. Local youth worker working with and for youth and young people in a youth


All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.
PCR test required 

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD