Project place: Montcombroux les Mine, France


Project dates: 27.08.2021 – 06.09.2021


Deadline for applying: 05.08.2021


About the project

The training is here to challenge participants’ perceptions, beliefs and assumptions and to settle themselves as people and leaders. Due to this approach, which focuses highly on the personal background of the participants, it might be emotionally intensive. It is so as we aim to create an impactful and useful process, by focusing on what is relevant on the participants’ personal and professional life. Therefore, the majority of the program will consist of activities for self-reflection, supported by some models and tools we find relevant and powerful. The participants will explore, play and try out, so they can find their own conclusions. The training is there for people who want to work on themselves; therefore each participant is the creator of their own experience. By doing so, participants will be able to develop the powerful capacity for self-coaching: the ability to bring yourself towards the results you want to achieve in life, while enjoying it.

  • Reflect on what leadership means for you, by focusing on your mindset: attitudes, values and beliefs
  • Realize how your mindset influences your behaviors, the results you get and the relationships you have with other people in your working context
  • Acquire models and tools to align yourself with your core values, while being more inclusive towards others and unexpected situations
  • Put your experience into practice and exchange best practices with other participants


Participants profile
  • have experience in leading workcamps or other type of projects involving groups
  • have participated at least in 1 workcamp
  • will lead a volunteer project or workcamp in 2021-2022 and ideally go to workcamp leader within 5 months after the TC
  • are at least 18 years and able to communicate easily in English
  • want to develop themselves by reflecting on how they usually function
  • are able to participate fully at the programme from the beginning till the end



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.
PCR test required (It is not covered by the hosting organization)

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD