Project place: Ljubljana, Slovenia


Project dates: 24th – 30th of September


Deadline for applying: 10.09.2021


About the project

The youth exchange is intended for young people who wish to explore the field of sustainable mobility and tourism. The main idea of the youth exchange is to equip individuals with skills and knowledge on how to travel more responsibly and sustainably and how to respectfully interact when in contact with different cultures. Since the big expand of tourism all over the world, followed by the process of globalization, we are seeing a vast number of negative consequences of tourism on local societies, environment, and economy. On the other hand, the Erasmus+ programme is empowering young people to travel, but not addressing the aspects of how to do it. We want to educate young people on what sustainable tourism and mobility are, why it is important and how to do it yourself when traveling. Our main goal is to prepare an easy-to-use Toolkit for young people, that could be used for every travel.

Participants profile

• 4 young people from the age of 16 to 30
• previous knowledge on the topics are not a requirement but can be helpful
• have a motivation and interest to work on the subjects of sustainability, tourism and mobility
• are able to participate in both exchanges
• also, group leader must be 18+ and willing to take the responsibility for his/her group during the exchange and the communication between the organizer and the group of participants

PCR test required! (PCR tests are covered under the Erasmus+ grant)

NOTE: the second part of the exchange will be implemented from the 27th of April to the 3rd of May 2022 in Antalya (Turkey). It is obligatory for participants to take part in both activities; also take into consideration that the dates may change due to travel restrictions, COVID rules etc.


All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD