Project place: Bern, Switzerland


Project dates: 12-19 December 2021


Deadline for applying: 27.09.2021


About the project

Who knew the world could change so quickly? The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone and it show us as a globalized society our weak points. With this youth exchange, we want to bring together young people from all over Europe to reflect about the pandemic, what we learned and are learning from it and what all of this means for young people. In this project, you will experience how people in other parts of Europe experienced the pandemic and you will come up with strategies how young people can change society for the better after this experience! These discussions will happen in a fun and non-formal way. You will be able to transform your discussions and reflections into short videos and zines to distribute online. There will be filmmaking and zine-making workshops at the youth exchange.


Participants profile
  • Be able to participate fully at the programme from the beginning till the end
  • Able to understand and express themselves in English
  • Age 18+
  • Young people, activists and youth workers



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.
PCR test required 

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD