Project place: Online on Zoom Platform


Project dates: 02.11 – 04.11.2021 (3 days), 16.11 – 17.11.2021 (2 days)


Deadline for applying: 30.09.2021



The aim of the project is to improve the quality of volunteering projects by developing the competence of people organizing volunteering projects and/or cooperating with volunteers through the development of the following skills:
– identifying volunteers’ needs and directing them to adequate tasks,
– recognizing motivations of volunteers and using its potential,
– improving the quality of communication with volunteers (including the ability to resolve conflicts),
– the development of skills to promote volunteering (including learning outcomes in volunteering) through various channels,
– identifying the potential of learning in volunteering and supporting volunteer learning.


– overview and learn from the VOLUNTEERING experiences in different countries,
– develop skills of identifying learning potential in volunteering activities,
– develop supporting skills for volunteers’ learning process (exchange of monitoring and evaluation tools),
– increase knowledge on evaluation tools for learning through volunteering,
– co-create the Volunteering Potential LAB publication.

Participants profile

  • Participants of this project are the employees or volunteers of partner organizations responsible for organizing volunteering projects and/or coordinating volunteering work
  • Basic knowledge of English
  • 18+