Youth exchanges bring people and groups from various countries and give them the opportunity to discuss and learn so many new things, while also learning about each other’s cultures and traditions.


Being part of the CID family, you get a lot of mobility opportunities and the last youth exchange that we took part in was the Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning that was held in Turkey. It was a project that started on the 4th of December and lasted until the 12th of December. There were 55 participants from 10 different countries that came from EU, Western Balkans and Turkey.


Everyday there was filled with excitement, happiness and various activities where we got to know each other more and we got to learn more about Non-Formal Learning. We had an intercultural night which was one of the best nights where everyone represented their own countries and we got the chance to discover lots of new things and we also got the chance to try delicious food from around the Balkans. We also had a tour in Istanbul which is known to be a home to a very diverse crowd and the only one holding two continents together. After all that fun that we had on the following day we proceeded to have sessions throughout the day where we shared our own knowledge about Non-Formal Learning. On the 5th day job shadowers shared their own experiences leaving us impressed and motivated with all the things and work they did. After dinner every country represented their NGOs and shared everything that they do. The following day started great by having breakfast outside and then we went hiking and the day ended with a city tour in Śile. The next day which is like a core memory started by visiting a clothing factory where we even got to try and make fabric for clothes. On the very same day we also met the Mayor of Sile who was really welcoming and we had a discussion about our project. That afternoon we also went sightseeing and our favorite one was the lighthouse which is the most famous one in Sile and a very important one for their culture. The project was coming to an end so the last day started with a session leaded by a guest, on which he informed us about Turkish universities and the opportunities that they offer. In the end we wrapped everything up by sharing our experiences and everything that we have learned throughout the week and we got our certificates. I also want to mention that we are really thankful and grateful that we were part of this group as it was one of the best groups. We are also really thankful for the team from Turkey where they made everything possible for us and were really welcoming. Also, when it comes to the groups every night after dinner we would have a party where everyone would gather in the common room and dance, some days you would find us also gathered by the bonfire where we would chat and play games together. This youth exchange was truly the best where we got to make a lot of new friends, learn more about their cultures and more importantly it empowered us by giving us the knowledge and new skills which we will implement in our own community.

Shared with us Delvina Sejdiu.