Project place: Poznan, Poland


Project dates:  30 March – 6 April 2022


Deadline for applying: 13.02.2022



About the project


The aim of this project is to improve the quality of the non-formal and informal learning aspects of volunteering activities in organizations, in both physical and online formats. This is an excellent learning opportunity that will support you to increase the quality of non-formal education activities you and your organization are doing, and also a unique networking experience with fellow-minded people from across Europe.



  • understand better what a quality non-formal learning is, what its elements are and how to provide such learning experiences to all young people;
  • learn innovative methods for enhancing the learning processes directed towards young people;
  • explore tools for supporting digital learning and online volunteering;
  • find creative and engaging ways for turning regular educational activities into an online format;
  • discuss how to provide more inclusive and versatile learning opportunities for young people, including such with fewer opportunities;


Participants profile

  • Able to communicate in English;
  • Age 18+
  • You need to attend the whole course duration (there is no possibility to make exceptions).
  • You commit yourself to organize a follow-up action in your local community/country upon the course completion (it can be e.g. a workshop, workcamp, training or other educational activity)



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered according to Erasmus+ distance calculator.

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD