Project place: Online on Zoom Platform


Project dates:  22,23,24,25,28,29,30 & 31 of March 2022 


Deadline for applying: 10.03.2022



About the project

Education plays a vital role in people ’s lives. It helps in shaping successful people, giving them the opportunity to become productive members of the society, performing a crucial role in counteracting the negative effects of poverty and social exclusion. Either by not being able to engaged in education, training or employment, the so-called N.E.E.Ts, or by leaving school in an early stage, young people run a high risk of finding themselves excluded from social life. The online training will give opportunities for participants to experiment with positive thinking approaches for effective communication, resilience promotion, problem-solving, and proactivity to support vulnerable target groups.



  • To provide youth workers with competences and tools to effectively act as mentors for NEETs and Early School Leavers, supporting them in their re-engagement in society.
  • To support NEETs and Early School Leavers to reflect and discover their own potentials and skills, fostering self-awareness, self-confidence and motivation for future choices.
  • To experiment with positive thinking approaches for effective communication, resilience promotion, problem solving and proactivity to support vulnerable target groups such as NEETs and Early School Leavers.
  • To provide space for sharing of experiences and good practices, awareness of Erasmus+ opportunities for networking and cooperation in the youth field. It will foster quality improvements in youth work, enhancing cooperation between organizations in the youth field and awareness towards EU funding opportunities.


Participants profile

  • 18+;
  • youth workers, project leaders, or youth facilitators working in the proposed theme;
  • be able to work in English;


Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: NONE!