Project place: Belgrade, Serbia

Project dates: 24th June – 3 July, 2022

Deadline for applying:  URGENT!



In a world where the role of media has been so great that a term ‘mediacracy’ (the rule of media) has been frequently used to describe it, the need for media literacy and media activism of young people and youth NGOs is apparent. That is the main topic of this project. Our two previous E+ projects successfully launched a transcontinental initiative of improving youth media literacy. By now, capacities of 22 youth NGOs from Europe and Latin America have been raised, a Transnational Youth Magazine (TYM,, e-magazine for youth policy, youth (media) activism and promotion of democratic values has been launched, and multilingual online courses have been created ( The overall objective of this two-years project is to continue with building capacities of youth NGOs globally and developing open education resources (OER) in the field of media literacy. Particular attention is given here to the African continent, and this project will enable it to also join the transcontinental initiative of improving media literacy launched through the previous projects.


1: Increasing the capacity of youth NGOs/workers/activists from 3 Programme and 4 Partner countries from Europe and Africa in the field of media literacy and media activism, and fostering their active participation in society

2: Creating high-quality multilingual OER for an innovative blended learning on media literacy and activism

3. Creating an informational/media hub between Europe, Africa and Latin America in the field of youth policy through further improving the Transnational Youth Magazine by engaging youth activists from Africa and Europe to start write for it


The realization of the Media Literacy and Blended Learning Training Course (TC) will take place in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. TC will last 10 days, including travel days, from 24th June to 3th July (8working days: 25th June – 2nd July). CDER is the hosting organization. The TC will have 21 youth worker/trainer participants, 3 from each partner NGOs. The training will be  led by experienced CDER trainers. The goal of the TC is to provide media literacy/activism and blended learning skills for the youth  workers/trainers from partner NGOs. After the TC, they will be empowered to educate young people  in media literacy by using blended learning. They will also perfect their writing skills and start writing  for the TYM. During the TC, the participants will develop a range of skills in the field of media literacy/activism: technical competences (the ability to access media), critical skills (understanding, interpreting and  critical evaluation of media content) and practical skills (creating media messages – in particular writing texts for the media; using social networks as vehicles for the media activism; blended learning). They will also be familiarized by the existing OER in the field of media literacy, and learn how to use the blended learning method in education; in concrete terms, how to educate young people in media literacy by using this method. The TC contains several main parts:
1. Media Literacy and The Power of Media
This TC segment provides essential knowledge and skills on media literacy and critical thinking, required for understanding contemporary media and media content, as well as for understanding and interpreting messages that we receive and send via mass media. The participants will be familiarized with and introduced to the key concepts in the field of media and communication, and empowered and encouraged to take a critical, active citizen and socially responsible towards the contemporary media landscape. This TC segment will cover several larger areas of the media universe, each covering a number of different topics: Types of Media: Traditional vs. Social; Media Literacy and New Humanism as UNESCO’s emerging concepts; various meanings of media literacy; 5W + 1H – essential rules of responsible journalism (Who?, What?, When?, Where? and Why?, plus: How?); Find a Villain – How to analyse and critically read media messages?; The World in 30 Minutes: Constructing a TV News Lineup; Representation and Symbolism in the Media; Bias in the Media; Spin Doctors – What is Media Spinning?; “Fake” News and how to recognize them (CRAP test), The Power of Media (a very short history of the mass media, investigative journalism and examples of the most influential cases in  history of media – the Watergate scandal, WikiLeaks, Panama papers)… A particular attention will be dedicated to the topic Youth Media Activism, which will also comprise short and inspiring stories and case-studies about the most influential recent examples of Youth activism in/through the media. The participants will also learn to use social networks (FB, YT, Twitter) as vehicles for the media activism.
2. Writing skills
Through this segment of the course, the participants will improve their writing skills and learn how to write a good media article. This segment will offer a practical guide to style, composition and good usage that underscores all good writing. It will provide practical advices for avoiding typical stylistic and grammar mistakes in writing and exemplify elementary rules of style, composition and good writing. This section will also offer instructions, “tricks” and how to about structuring an argument, achieving clarity and cohesion, being specific and concrete in writing, developing stylistic elegance and grace etc.The participants will apply the knowledge they acquire by writing articles (they will consequently be posted on the TYM).
3. Blended learning
Within this TC segment, the participants will get familiarized in detail about the blended learning methods and practice this method in their work through a simulation of the educative process.Participants will acquire a practical understanding of how blended learning can help students develop competences such as autonomy, problem-solving, critical thinking, as well as a sense of self-efficacy.Participants will actively explore a variety of useful, free digital tools and realise these can be allies in attaining specific learning goals in different subjects. They will also come up with examples of activities which effectively integrate distance and in-person learning, “traditional” and technological resources. Particular attention will be given to familiarizing the participants with the existing OER in the field of media literacy, which they could use for blended learning and practise in creating i blended learning workshops by using these OER.

4. Team building, cultural and relaxation activities
Some of activities will be aimed at building a strong team spirit, getting to know each other and relaxing in order to create a constructive and creative work environment. In addition, several activities will be aimed at learning about partner countries’ cultures and the host country/city.
5. Strengthening cooperation among partners
There will be a few activities dedicated to building the partnerships between organizations participating in TC.
TC working methods and techniques Entire TC is based on active participation of all participants who will gain new skills and instantly apply them i.e. learn through hands-on training. The TC will be implemented by different working methods and techniques of non-formal learning: workshops, discussions, practical work (news writing), watching media content, case studies and movie projections, group work, online learning, icebreakers, energizers… These activities focus mainly on acquisition and enhancement of skills and knowledge, and methods will be aimed at igniting imagination, creativity and innovative thinking. Particular attention will be given to the method of learning through practical work. During the course, each  participant will – with the help of their trainers – write one media article for the TYM. All course participants will acquire their Youthpass certificates.



Participants would ideally meet the following criteria:

– an adult 18+ years old (no upper age restriction);
– possess certain media literacy/activism knowledge or strong desire to acquire it;
– to be creative, interested and capable to write articles and/or do photography, caricature or the
– to be interested in youth policy, especially the problems of youth;
– to be motivated to combat undemocratic incidents;
– to be familiar with ICTs (to be able to use a computer and access socialmedia);
– to be familiar with the current youth policy situation at local/national/international level,
problems and needs of youth;
– to be willing to cooperate with their European and African colleagues;
– to be willing to participate in Project dissemination;
– to be fluent in English.





All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 180 EUR.


Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD