Katerina Cvetkovska and Tijana Krstevska, as volunteers from CID, had the opportunity to participate in the training course “Youth against disinformation” in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia between 15th and 21st of May 2022. There they were introduced to the terms disinformation and manipulation of social networks and how to detect and deal with them. During the training, their opinion was accepted in any discussion. They debated topics related to disinformation and manipulation,  gained new experience and knowledge that they can share with our volunteers.. By transferring experience to them through various games and workshops, so that they too be aware of what manipulation they can be exposed to.

Katerina and Tijana : “The organization was flawless, the organizers were always there for us, to listen to us, to inform us and share with us everything we needed to know during the training. Besides all this, We had the opportunity to walk in several cities across Serbia, where we visited the most important sights and we enriched ourselves with new knowledge and experiences. We are grateful to the opportunity we got to participate in this project, we hope for many new opportunities and conditions to participate again.”