Project place: Winterthur near Zürich, Switzerland

Project dates: 13-19 October 2022

Deadline for applying: 24.8.2022


✔ Do you want to explore more about peace with a focus on the intrapersonal level?
✔ Are you interested in finding more ways to live in peace with oneself and live in peace with nature?
✔ Have you ever wondered how we can maintain inner peace on a daily basis and also experience various practices on living in peace with nature?
✔ Would you be ready to become one of the brave young changemakers who make the world a better place?
✔ Are you ready to meet amazing people from over 14 countries, make new friendships and get inspired by their ideas and projects?
✔ Would you like to spend a week in a country where views like the one on the previous page are common? And all this at no cost, or just a small membership fee?
✔ Can you make it to Switzerland for the period 13-19 October 2022?
✔ Do you live in any of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Jordan, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland?
If your answers are “Yes, this is me!”, then…

… we have an offer for you!!




Service Civil International is the oldest voluntary peace movement in the world. In 2020, we celebrated our 100th anniversary! Our mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact. We are present in 40 countries on 5 continents, and we cooperate with partners in almost all countries of the world. Read more here: SCI Switzerland is the Swiss branch of Service Civil International with a long-standing tradition. In fact, the founder of SCI, Pierre Cérésole, was Swiss! Get to know us here: During its 100 years of existence, SCI has accumulated lots of expertise in peace-building and community work, which has been recognised by a number of institutions, including UNESCO and the Council of Europe. And do you know that SCI was even nominated numerous times for the Nobel Peace Prize?!



With the “Peace for Change, Change for Peace” project, we are ready to share our expertise with you, support you in becoming a changemaker, and gain competences essential for building a peaceful and nonviolent world.The project will last through 2022 and aims at inspiring you to be and act as a multiplier and messenger of peace, and create a chain of follow-up actions for promoting and living peace on a local, national and international level. It consists of several steps:

1. Preparation and publishing “My Peace Journal”, a personal diary providing space for reflection, encouraging thinking about peace and acting for peace.
2. International training course “Peace with Others” in May 2022 in Lenzburg, Switzerland. More about the training you can read at SCI Switzerland website, on one of the participant’s personal blog and here is a short video of the training.
3. International training course “Inner Peace and Peace with Nature” in October 2022 in Winterthur, Switzerland.
4. Local actions for peace organised by the training participants (June 2022 – January 2023).



Thanks to the financial support of Movetia Swiss National Agency, we are ready to invite 28 participants (2 per country) to join a one-week training course “Inner Peace and Peace with Nature”, during which you will:
▪ deepen your knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature) with a focus on intrapersonal level -living in peace with myself and living in peace with nature,
▪ dive into and explore specific ways of maintaining inner peace on a daily basis,
▪ learn about, share and experience various practices on living in peace with nature,
▪ learn how to live peace and act for peace through small-scale actions that can be done even without big resources,
▪ get equipped with various peace-related tools and methods you can later use in your work and everyday life,
▪ be offered space for the safe exchange of good practices, of inspiration, of sharing resources and ideas,
▪ plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion.

All in all, we offer you not only an excellent learning opportunity that will support you to increase the quality of the work you and your organisation are doing in connection to peace, but also a unique networking experience with fellow-minded people from across Europe and the Middle East. We believe that the training course will increase your peace-related knowledge, and self-
confidence, make your daily life and work more efficient related to the topic of peace, and help you have a greater impact on your surrounding community and environment!



The project is intended for the following types of participants:
– activists, enthusiasts, volunteers willing to learn more about inner peace and peace with nature and apply it in their actions,
– youth workers with a strong interest in the topic of peace and its appliance in their work with young people,
– trainers, facilitators, educators on the topic of peace and peacebuilding.
We invite participants both with (some) experience of working in the youth field, and those who are also newcomers, activists, and enthusiasts. What is the most important for us is your willingness to become
actors of change – multipliers in your local communities, and persons promoting and willing to live peace in your everyday routine (on a personal and professional level).
All participants are expected to commit and actively participate in the preparation, implementation, and follow-up of the training as well as to participate for the whole duration of the event.

There are a few formal requirements you need to satisfy to join the training course:
1. You need to be a resident of one of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Jordan, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland.
2. You should be able to communicate in English.
3. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
4. You need to attend the whole course duration (there is no possibility to make exceptions).
5. You commit yourself to organise a follow-up action for peace in your local community/country upon the course completion (these can be e.g. a workshop on peace, street action, online campaign, presentation, screening, peace caravan, discussion,
workcamp, etc.)

We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, and ethnic backgrounds to apply! We are very open to persons with fewer opportunities (facing social, economical, or cultural challenges and obstacles) who would like to take a more active role in your organisations!



Sustainable food: The food we provide will be vegan, with a delicious and balanced menu. This is not just a practical decision, but also an ideological one: SCI believes in the values of sustainability and climate justice – and if we want to contribute to a more peaceful planet, we need to give up on animal agriculture and its destructive effects on our planet. Sustainable travels: We encourage you to use environmentally friendly transport (bus, train, car sharing) when possible.



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 410 EUR.


Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 500 MKD !