Nami and Besart took part on last October in the third partners meeting for the project Virtual Mobilities for All, and it took place in Bayonne, France, and it was hosted by Pistes Solidaires.

During the meeting the partners discussed the situation of the project and what they need to cover for the next months.
“The project is going well, however there are still many things to work on” – said Nami. “We are a great team, and it’s a pleasure to work with all of our partners”. – he continued.

The project gathers 6 partners from Germany (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg), Ireland (Nexus Europe), Spain (Pontydysgu SL), France (Pistes Solidaires), North Macedonia (Center for Intercultural Dialogue), and Greece (Active Citizens Partnership), an Erasmus+ KA2 innovative project which started in September 2020.

“Overall, it was a big success. I am glad that I got to see the partners face to face because in online meetings you miss the physical presence of the people and it’s not that pleasant”. – said Besart.
“We know where we stand, and what we need to do to move forward.” – he continued. “A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is underway and a pilot testing of Virtual Mobilities will start soon.” – he finished.

The next and final meeting shall take place in Athens in 2023, which will be hosted by Active Citizens Partnership.

More information’s about the project can be find here.