Dates of the project:  February 2022 – February 2025

Lead partner:
Jeunes Européens France

Center for Intercultural Dialogue – North Macedonia
Union of European Federalists – Hungary
Are We Europe – The Netherlands
Madmoizelle – France

KA2: Cooperation between organisations and institutions

KA220-ADU-Cooperation partnerships in adult education


  1. Inclusive democracy and participation
  2. Media literacy and fight against fake news
  3. EU awareness

Why this project?

The project started with the observation that there are very few resources for “learning how to inform oneself”. In the new era of information, social networks taking central stage, false information has taken a prominent place. We also face much misunderstanding about the EU. Indeed, 60% of Europeans feel misinformed concerning the EU and 68% of them say they are confronted with fake news at least once a week.

Thus, we are facing lots of fake news confrontation by citizens in different countries and a lack of efficient information on the EU to the citizens. 83% of EU citizens believe that the existence of fake news is a problem in their country and for European democracy in general. People seem to feel misinformed about the EU and thus a need for help in order to develop their critical thinking and decipher media information on the EU.

Objectives of the project:

  •         Produce clear and relevant information on the EU, with improved clarity and relevance
  •         Raise awareness about the existence of fake news and the issues related to the dissemination of false information about the European Union
  •         Promote the exchange of good practices and intercultural exchange in order to increase media literacy
  •         Build a feeling of European citizenship
  •           Develop citizens’ skills to identify fake news and decipher European information so that they become authors in the fight against fake news.
  •         Promote the exchange of good practices and intercultural dialogue between associations and media of the project.

We want to work together to develop capacities and resources in the field of media literacy and EU information.