Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is looking for a grant coordinator for the project Youth Agents of Change.

The grant coordinator will have a full-time working arrangement for 12 months, starting from January to December 2023.


About the project

The project “Youth – agents of change”, financed by the European Union, is implemented by Center for Intercultural Dialogue in partnership with Scout Association of Macedonia and Center for research and analysis – NOVUS. This project addresses youth initiatives, activism and volunteering as one of the key prerequisites for improving democracy and participation of the local government as well as strengthening and comprehensive direct involvement of citizens in democratic processes at the local level. The project aims to increase youth activism through volunteering with the goal to ensure comprehensive social inclusion and development of local communities. Ultimate beneficiaries of the project are high school students, students, youth activists, young people, women, young people with disabilities, youth initiatives, local youth councils and local members of the communities of the municipalities of Centar, Kumanovo and Strumica as primary target, and 7 more secondary targeted municipalities in North Macedonia.


Specific objectives of the project:

  • To strengthen the informal networks of young activists and volunteers, for their field capacities to local authorities and citizens, as well as in their monitoring and advocacy capacities.
  • To build a sustainable educational system in high schools to strengthen and encourage young people and youth activism for their field capacity towards local governments and citizens, as well as in their monitoring capacities and representation.


The project activities aim at achieving four main results:

  • Established mechanism for cooperation of young activists and volunteers with the municipalities “friends of the volunteers” in the process of bringing about positive changes
  • Developed competencies and skills of teachers in high schools through establishing programs for youth activism at the local level through non-formal education
  • Young people with acquired skills to act on local institutions directly and through the local youth councils
  • Raised awareness of the importance of youth initiatives, activism and volunteerism on a local level


The project started implementation in March 2022 and is expected to be completed in August 2024.


Tasks and responsibilities

Grant coordinator will be responsible for overall implementation of the sub-granting foreseen within the project. In particular:

  • Provide advisory support to subgrantees
  • Draft grant agreements
  • Communicate and cooperate with subgrantees
  • Supervise grant projects implementation



  • Fluent knowledge of Macedonian and English
  • Willing to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment
  • Previous work experience in the NGO sector is preferred
  • Ability to work independently with minimal managerial supervision
  • An ability to prepare schedules and step-by-step action plans
  • Familiarity with risk management and quality assurance control
  • Organizational skills, including multitasking and time-management
  • Teamwork oriented



In order to apply please send your CV and Motivational letter to

IMPORTANT: In the subject of your mail please indicate that you are applying for the position Grant Coordinator.

Only the selected candidates will be further contacted by the organization.

Deadline for applying: 18.12.2022