Project place: Ulldemolins (Priorat), Spain

Project dates: 9-15 October 2023

Deadline for applying: 17/07/2023



The project “How do youth sustain the rural world?” aims to:
● Explore the impact of youth depopulation in rural and low density areas and how to transform it
● Tackle the importance of youth empowerment to sustain the rural world
● Focus on participation as a key tool for youth to put down their roots and become active agents to transform their realities and keep rural areas alive and liveable.


  • Youth
  • Emancipation
  • Local
  • Self occupation
  • Rural world
  • Roots
  • Participation
  • Synergies
  • Generational replacement
  • Identity
  • Intersectionality
  • Empowerment



1. Learn about structural causes and impact of youth depopulation in rural areas.
2. Raise awareness on the importance of youth participation and empowerment as a tool for keeping rural areas alive and liveable.
3. Encourage networking within the different agents in rural communities: civil society organizations, institutions and public administrations, education centers…
4. Get to know the challenges of each participant’s country or region related to youth in rural areas (work, communications, housing…).
5. Reinforce intersectional and feminist perspectives in the understanding of youth
6. Share good practices and experiences from participant organizations.
7. Mapping local projects and initiatives fostering youth emancipation: generational replacement, self occupation, housing, agroecology, environmental education…
8. Collect tools and strategies for taking action as organizations working in ruralities.


● Active participation during the training course..
● Ability to explain about what their organizations do.
● Sharing good practices, experiences and challenges working with youth participation in rural areas.
● Identification of topics of interest that would like to address together with their
● Collaboration on the production of the handbook during and after the training (one online meeting afterwards)..



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 750 MKD!