Project place: Naples, in the South of Italy

Project dates: 2-9 August 2023

Deadline for applying: URGENT!

What is “NEWS”?

Dear friends.
With this “News” we want to start the project Mediterranean Partnerships Market and we hope you all are ready with us. The “News” will be sent monthly to the referents of the organizations responsible for the preparation of the participants and to the participants themselves. The news is an instrument to communicate between all of us, report information and work material, collect essential dates and your suggestions, prepare us all at the best for the meeting but also to create connections and possible partnerships already before the meeting in August 2023.
Please, see the “News” as a possibility to start a virtual exchange open to our capacities and creativity. Just write in this document in another colour (it is a word document) by the different themes and send it us back: we will collect all your inputs by preparing the next “News”.
2. Something about Mosaiko Association
Mosaiko is an independent association born in 2003 headquartered in the historical center of Naples and managed independently by its members.
The association activities in international framework are:
• Youth Exchanges;
• meetings between youth workers and social workers, teachers, representatives of organizations and social and youth policies;
• workshops and trainings;
• projects of networking;
On the local level, they are:
  • Vocational weeks seminary for active social workers
  • Trainings, seminaries, study visit and networking for youth- and social workers
  • Also at local level, we have a very large cooperation with social organizations and – depending on
  • the topics of our international project proposals – we can choose within these organizations specific
  • target groups interesting to take active part to the projects.
  • The countries we work with are from European, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, from
4. “Mediterranean Partnerships Market” objectives
“Mediterranean Partnerships Market” is a mobility project for youth workers, in which referents
from 21 Euromed countries and organizations are invited to participate. The meeting is proposed as
a space for an exchange of knowledge, for sharing experiences and resources aimed at finding new
common platforms for interaction and cooperations within the Erasmus Plus Program.
The project collects the ideas, suggestions, professional and thematic needs of the participating
organizations and territories, identifying its main tools in the different professional backgrounds
represented, the experiences that the participants can bring, the different social and work contexts in
which they operate.
The methodological approach that will be adopted is based on the active participation and
enhancement of the skills and experiences of which each participant is a bearer. In this way will be
developed personal and professional skills, stimulating networking and generating cooperative
learning through non-formal activities.
Mediterranean Partnerships Market aims to:
– Promote an opportunity for international meeting between youth workers and referents active with young people, interested in exchanging on their work, on issues and aspects that define this area today, on the difficulties and resources that can be put together. The common goal is to refine and share new strategies that can promote the acquisition of tools and skills that improve the possibilities and the work in the youth work field even in those marginal and critical situations.
– Activate a reflection and comparison on the certification and validation procedures of the skills acquired aimed at greater recognition even in professional fields other than the usual ones, and the activation of guided self-assessment processes that encourage greater awareness of the skills acquired by international mobility projects.
– Collect ideas, needs and requirements, on typologies and ways in which socio educational actions with young people (local and international) are carried out in different countries (pedagogical approach, content, type of activity, work-structures and organization, profile of the youth workers, work methodologies, etc.).
– to build relationships between youth workers, educators, trainers, organizations and territories,
through the exchange of experiences, information and work practices, aimed at improving the
methods and practices of socio-educational animation.
– develop alliances between social partners of different nature (links between formal and non-
formal, between organizations active in the local and international context) sustainable and able to act as a flywheel to develop new strategic partnerships on the involved territories.
– develop and implement ideas and projects, availing itself of alliances and available resources.
Each participating organization and youth worker is the bearer of unique knowledge and strategies, from whose valorization, sharing, and exchange can start a synergistic process oriented to the development of new melting pot practices, exportable in the next projects and/or work context.
– work together on a comparison between different social, cultural and professional contexts by increasing the own historical-cultural analysis skills, promoting critical reflections and the development of life-skills oriented to active and transformative participation in the society.


The project is intended for the following types of participants:
– activists, enthusiasts, volunteers willing to become trainers and educators, above 18 years old.
– youth workers with a strong interest in peace topics and its appliance in their work with youngsters.



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.

Participation fee: NONE!

Sending fee: 750 MKD!