Project place: Bédeille , France
Project dates: 7th of November to the 18th of November 2023
Deadline for applying: URGENT!
The main objectives of this training course are:
1/ Bring personal development tools to youth workers
2/ Initiate the youth and the youth workers to expression methods
3/ Give them tools to develop their self confidence.
We believe that we spend too much time thinking, taken by our daily life, our job, our relationship etc… That’s why, we would like to help people cultivate an artistic practice. Moving from the mental to the feeling. Take time to feel our body sensation, how we vibrate, how we resonate. Singing help to stay grounded, and to have a routine to rest, take care of ourself, and enjoy.
Moreover, one of the most common fears is to talk in public, to express ourselves. So with the practice of Slam Poetry, by writing our emotion, our feeling and our dream, and then perform them on stage, we develop self confidence. And for sure, by singing in group and free our voice as well.
This TC pursue other goals such as:
* Promoting a more healthy way of living by an healthy, organic diet.
* Encourage critical thinking and being active in a group dynamic.
We plan to use participative methods. Participants will be active and involved in any task from daily life. We will also use non formal education tools to promote a group dynamic and in the
workshops proposed. Therefore everyone should be able to develop their critical mind, their analysis sense and share their opinion with others. By this way we will promote each skill and
knowledge we will gain during the training course. The idea is to welcome two kinds of target groups. In the first part of the training course, we will teach youth workers how to lead singing classes using non-formal learning methods. Then we’re gonna welcome a group of youth with fewer opportunities, and the youth workers are gonna be the one proposing the workshops to the youngsters. At the end of the training course, we plan to promote the work done by the all group in a local event in collaboration with local event producers.
● Identification of topics of interest that would like to address together with their
- 18+ years old…
All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.
Participation fee: NONE!
Sending fee: 750 MKD!