The vibrant city of Kumanovo recently played host to an enlightening and invigorating conference, “Invest in the Future – Empower Youth Now!” held at the esteemed Zanaetchiski dom (Artisan home) on the 7th of December. This event was a dynamic platform that congregated influential personalities, thought leaders, and engaged youths in an array of comprehensive discussions and participatory group activities.

The conference commenced with a pivotal focus on the theme of “Youth activism, youth participation, and youth strategy: current situation, challenges & future steps.” The esteemed panel comprised distinguished guests who added significant depth and insight to the discussions. Keynote speaker Mr. Maksim Dimitrievski, the Mayor of the Municipality of Kumanovo, set an inspiring tone for the event, emphasizing the critical role of youth in shaping the future.

Joining the discourse were esteemed panelists, Mr. Vladimir Gjorgjevski from RYCO (Regional Youth Cooperation Office), and Mr. Marko Gjorgievski representing the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility. The discussions revolved around the myriad opportunities that RYCO and the National Agency offer to young individuals, youth organizations, and educational institutions. Participants engaged actively, raising pertinent questions and offering insightful recommendations aimed at fostering greater youth participation and collaboration.

The second segment of the conference featured parallel group sessions designed to delve deeper into two significant topics: “Radicalization and Sports” and “Bullying.” Attendees enthusiastically participated in these focused discussions, sharing experiences, insights, and strategies to address these pressing issues affecting today’s youth.

The groups, after extensive deliberation, consolidated their thoughts and formulated a set of comprehensive recommendations for addressing radicalization and sports, as well as combating bullying. These recommendations were shaped by diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise, showcasing the collective effort and commitment towards finding effective solutions.

This was an event where we disseminated the results of the projects Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board and SociAl competences and FundamEntal Rights for preventing bullying (SAFER).

Throughout the conference, the atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm and determination. Attendees actively engaged in networking, sharing ideas, and building alliances aimed at creating a brighter and more inclusive future for the youth of Kumanovo and beyond.

The “Invest in the Future – Empower Youth Now!” conference served as an exemplary platform, catalyzing meaningful discussions, forging partnerships, and charting a course for concerted action towards empowering the youth and creating a more inclusive society. As the event concluded, the collective resolve to invest in the future by empowering today’s youth resonated strongly, leaving an indelible mark on all participants, igniting a beacon of hope and inspiration for the times ahead.

More photos from the event can be found here.