Project place: Berovo, North Macedonia

Project dates: 21-27.01.2024

Deadline for applying: URGENT!


Project in short

This project aims to build up a community of youth workers that can support the quality of youth work. This TC will enhance their digital skills and help them in preparing and creating
innovative digital initiatives in order to contribute meaningfully in their community, peer-to-peer sharing their best practices and skills gained from this TC.

1.Upgraded Digital Competencies:

Participants will acquire advanced digital skills, enabling them to navigate the rapidly
evolving landscape of digital tools and technologies.

2.Innovative Projects:

A diverse range of impactful digital initiatives will be developed, addressing specific
challenges faced by youth and contributing to community development.

3.Collaborative Community:

A strong, supportive community of youth workers will emerge, fostering collaboration
and knowledge exchange.

4.Sustainable Impact:

The digital initiatives created by participants will continue to make a sustainable impact
on the lives of young people, creating a lasting legacy for the community.


Participants Profile

-Able to communicate in English
-Able to participate the whole course
-18+ years old
-3 per country
-Required follow-up activity!



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to travel limit per country.