Project place: Morfasso, Italy
Project dates: 10 – 17 June 2024 (including travel days)
Deadline for applying: URGENT!
The project cult-R-ural youth work was designed to exchanging and sharing good practices aimed at re-qualifying and attracting
young people in RURAL/MOUNTAIN areas through art, creativity and cultural activities, enhancing the competences of youth workers
involved and the capacity of the organisations in designing and implementing impactful actions and projects in their territories.
- Youth Workers interested in the organisations in designing and implementing impactful actions and projects in their territories .
- Be preferably 25-35;
- Have residency in one of the partner countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, France, Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Poland);
- Be in possession of a European Health Insurance Card or equivalent
- At least per each organisation, 1 participant with fewer opportunities (Social obstacles, Economic obstacles, Cultural differences, Geographical obstacles, Migrant background
obstacle); - Agree to the rules & terms of the project;
The general Profile of the participants is the
- Youth workers actively involved in the organisation, so as to ensure the transference of competences to the rest of the staff and the application of the new competences and practices acquired;
- Staff, volunteers, members of other local organisations, so as to ensure a wide spreading of the results and allowing the possibility to extend the change in the approaches also to other organisations;
- Newcomers in the third sector who are willing to learn from the experience of the other participants and curious about the possibility to adopt sustainable practices for their organisations, as well as interested in discovering the Erasmus+ opportunities and the Non-Formal Education;
All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.
Sending fee: 750 MKD