Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) organized a vibrant and engaging series of activities to mark the milestone of our 18th birthday, beginning with a thought-provoking debate and discussion on 30th of May. This event, titled “How CID has Contributed to My Personal and Professional Development,” brought together a diverse group of young people from various backgrounds, ages, and experiences. The event provided a platform for participants to share their personal stories and reflect on their journeys with CID.

The discussion was a melting pot of authentic narratives, nostalgic moments, and insightful feedback. Participants spoke passionately about how CID had shaped their lives, both personally and professionally. Many shared how the organization’s initiatives had equipped them with essential skills, broadened their horizons, and fostered a sense of community. From developing leadership abilities to enhancing intercultural understanding, the stories underscored CID’s significant impact on their lives.

In addition to sharing their experiences, the young attendees also provided valuable feedback on CID’s past projects. They discussed their needs, requests, and wishes for the future, offering constructive criticism to help CID evolve and better serve its community. This interactive and dynamic atmosphere highlighted the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement and responsiveness to its members’ voices.

The event was characterized by a lively and engaging atmosphere, filled with heartfelt stories and a collective sense of accomplishment. It was a fitting celebration of CID’s 18 years of dedication to fostering intercultural dialogue and personal development. As CID looks forward to the future, the feedback and stories shared during this discussion will undoubtedly guide its efforts in continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of young people.