Project place: Poland 

Project dates: 22-29 February 2024

Deadline for applying: 05.01.2024



The training course is a part of the “Stop. Reflect. Do Better”project implemented in 2023-2024 by Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat – SCI Poland and co-funded by the European Union. The overall project aim is to:
• support the well-being of professionals, youth workers, coordinators, and peace activists,
• build further the participants’ competences and capacities of their organisations in providing quality voluntary and educational activities for young people.
The project foresees 2 international training courses, local follow-up actions, webinars on well-being, andcreating Well-Being Cards. Sustaining well-being starts first with a single individual, but the combined effect of single numerous efforts brings a change to a healthier world!



At the training course, you will:
• enlarge your knowledge about mental health and well-being and which factors influence it,
• become more aware and able to use various tools and mechanisms for sustaining own and young people’s well-being,
• gain knowledge and practical tools to deal with stress and uncertainties in the new reality,
• acquire skills to boost own well-being and happiness,
• develop confidence to apply mindfulness in daily work,
• exchange ideas, good practices, inspirations, and share resources,
• plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion.
We offer you an excellent learning opportunity that will support your and young people’s well-being, and also a unique networking experience with fellow-minded people from across Europe.

Our course participants are youth workers, peace activists, leaders, coordinators and volunteers with an interest in the topic of well-being and its applications in their work within non-governmental organisations and with young people.

The most important for us is your motivation and willingness to explore, learn, and apply the ideas in your daily professional work.

Our working methods are based on the principles of adult learning, creating a stress-free and motivating environment where the human brain has the full capacity to learn. You will often work in smaller groups to achieve the best results. All the methods will encourage active participation, creativity, initiative, and responsibility for one’s learning process.



  • Age 18 or above
  • Can use English for work and communication
  • Passionate about incorporating dance and body movement in youth work and educational activities
  • Commitment to actively participate in all training course activities
  • Good physical condition for handling exercises
  • Youth Workers, Trainers. Volunteers, Young People with Project Ideas. Young Entrepreneurs, Members of Organizations, Educators, Freelancers



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.

Sending fee: 750 MKD