Project place: Lviv, Ukraine

Project dates: 9-16 October 2024

Deadline for applying: 15.07.2024 


Study visit “Enhancing international youth co-operation in times of war”

In this context, considering the Reykjavik Declaration and Principles for Democracy, the co-operation in the field of youth with relevant authorities responsible for youth policy in Ukraine, and the European Youth Foundation’s special call in support for young people from Ukraine, The Youth Department of the Council of Europe aims to enhance international youth co-operation among youth organisations in and outside of Ukraine, through two main actions:

  1. Study visit to Lviv, for up to 10 youth organisations active in international youth co-operation with the aim of connecting with the aspirations and realities of the youth sector in Ukraine and learning more about the needs and activities foreseen in the framework of the Lviv European Youth Capital.
  2. Capacity building event in Lublin on project management and international youth co-operation, involving up to 15 representatives of youth organisations from Ukraine and up to 15 youth organisations from other Council of Europe member states, particularly interested in international youth co-operation with Ukraine.

The main expected results of these two actions are:

  • Strengthen the skills and capacities of representatives of youth organisations to carry out projects in the area of the priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector
  • Strengthen the partnerships between youth organisations from Ukraine and from other member states and provide space to develop joint initiatives in the framework of Lviv European Youth Capital 2025
  • Promote the values, principles, tools and resources of the youth sector of the Council of Europe among youth organisations
  • Increase the outreach of the EYF special call in support of young people from Ukraine.


Participant profiles

Participants are expected to be volunteers, members of board, staff of national youth organisations rom other member states of the Council of Europe and from international youth organisations and networks. They should be mandated by their organisation to seek co-operation partnerships with youth organisations from Ukraine, and in a position to transfer the knowledge gained during the ctivities to their organisations. Participants are also expected to have some previous experience with international youth co-operation. All participants should also:
– Be resident in a country signatory of the European Cultural Convention
– Be aged between 18 and 30 (justified exceptions are possible)
– Be committed to attend for the full duration either (a) the study visit and the capacity building event, or (b) only the capacity building event
– Be able to work in English.
The Council of Europe welcomes applications from all candidates who fulfil the specific profile of the activities, irrespective of gender, disability, marital or parental status, racial, ethnic or social origin, colour, religion, belief or sexual orientation.


Security considerations

The Council of Europe reserves the right to cancel or modify the programme to ensure that it does not pose a risk or threat to the safety of participants.

By applying to participate in this study visit, candidates acknowledge that they will be travelling to the territory of Ukraine. Participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of Ukraine, as well as any guidelines or directives issued by the team of organisers. Candidates must agree that their participation is entirely voluntary and that they assume full responsibility for their safety, within the Council of Europe framework. The Council of Europe ensures that all participants travelling to Ukraine will have an appropriate insurance and their transport will be organised by the Council of Europe.



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.

Sending fee: 750 MKD