On June 24th and 25th, 2024, the partners of the KA2 Erasmus+ project Check’Europe gathered in Luxembourg for the 5th Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM). This significant event brought together 12 partners from six different organizations, representing various corners of Europe. Among the attendees was our Besart Shabani representing Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID). The project coordinator, Lea, from Jeunes Européens France, also played a pivotal role in steering the discussions.

The meeting focused on critical updates and discussions surrounding the project’s intellectual outputs (IOs). Partners reviewed the progress on Intellectual Output 1 (IO1), discussing completed reports on elections across the EU, including the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in North Macedonia. The main topic of interest was the upcoming Parliamentary EU Elections in 2024. Updates on Intellectual Outputs 2, 3, and 4 were also shared, ensuring all partners are aligned and aware of their responsibilities.

Decisions on upcoming activities were a significant part of the meeting. The next training is scheduled for October 10-14, 2024, in Budapest, focusing on various project-related activities. Specific tasks and the agenda were discussed to ensure effective preparation. Additionally, the next dissemination event is set for October 22, 2024, in Brussels, which will play a crucial role in spreading the project’s findings and engaging with a broader audience.

A notable highlight of the TPM was the series of interviews scheduled with key EU institutions. These included a meeting with Judge Marcoulli, President of the Tribunal’s Second Chamber, European Court of Justice, providing insights into the judicial processes and the role of the Court in the EU. Besart Shabani had the opportunity to learn about the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) functions and its impact on public financing in Western Europe during a meeting with communication officers and experts at the EIB. Further understanding of the Court’s workings and its significance in the EU legal framework was gained during a meeting with Judge François Biltgen, President of the VIIth Chamber of the Court of Justice.

These meetings with EU institutions were not initially planned from the beginning of Check’Europe’s project, but were organized to leverage the meeting location in Luxembourg. They provided invaluable insights into the roles of these institutions within the EU and their influence on the Western Balkans. The discussions and interactions during the TPM significantly contributed to the project’s objectives. Partners gained deeper insights into the roles of EU institutions and reinforced their understanding of where the project currently stands and what needs to be done next.

Looking ahead, the project’s next steps include monitoring and reporting on the French Elections, organizing dissemination events in Brussels and Paris, conducting the upcoming training in Budapest, and preparing the final report for the project. The 5th TPM in Luxembourg was a milestone for Check’Europe, driving the project forward and setting the stage for upcoming activities. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to combat fake news and enhance EU awareness across Europe.