Project dates: 17.12.2024 – 16.12.2027
Coordinator: Foundation Novi Sad European Capital of Culture
Partners: Center for intercultural dialogue, LDA Subotica, OPENS NS, Centre for Regionalism, Forum of Citizens Tuzla, Mladiinfo, Youth Act Albania
Overall Objective: Enhanced CSOs engagement in regional initiatives promoting reconciliation and intercultural dialogue among citizens and young people in particular through empowering bottom-up approaches and innovative forms of youth cultural participation and artivism.
Specific objectives:
- Improved CSOs’ capacities for countering social and political polarization through innovative cultural participation and artistic tools empowering youth for the confidence-building culture of dialogue.
- Increased awareness of reconciliation and peacebuilding through the promotion of inter-generational dialogue and understanding and renewing civic commitment to the rule of law.
- Established regional Reconciliation Districts underpinning multi-stakeholders, bottom-up and top-down approaches promoting the spirit of reconciliation and education for active youth participation in local communities across the region.
- Help complement the high-ranking regional reconciliation dialogue with bottom-up initiatives promoting transitional justice processes and restoring trust between communities
Work Package 1 focuses on raising awareness, communication, and advocacy regarding reconciliation in the context of EU accession for Western Balkan countries. Coordinated by the Centre for Regionalism (Serbia) and Forum of Citizens Tuzla (BiH), the project aims to engage civil society organizations (CSOs) and experts in rebuilding the policy dialogue on reconciliation. This includes organizing three annual regional thematic panels, with expert presentations and personal testimonies from conflict victims, followed by moderated interactions with various stakeholders, including youth groups and CSOs. The panels will address topics like historical narratives, youth intercultural encounters, and the culture of remembrance for EU integration. The activities will be supplemented by media campaigns, e-newsletters, after-movie productions, and an online thematic publication.
Work Package 2 focuses on using culture and creative approaches to foster reconciliation in the Western Balkans. It includes two main activities: Regional Youth Intercultural Camps and the Districts of Reconciliation. The camps, organized across three years, engage young people in training on topics like media literacy, gender-based reconciliation, and combating extremism, using interactive workshops, group work, and personal narratives. The Districts of Reconciliation are public events in five partner countries that blend artistic performances, debates, and workshops, promoting regional cooperation and reconciliation through creative expression. These events will feature theatre, exhibitions, and music, fostering intercultural learning and dialogue among diverse local and regional participants.
Work Package 3 focuses on a sub-granting program to support socially engaged art projects aimed at fostering reconciliation in the Western Balkans. The program will provide grants of up to €25,000 for up to 12 projects, emphasizing participative and interactive art forms, particularly applied theatre. Projects will involve cross-border collaboration and address themes like reconciliation, peace agreements, media literacy, and cultural heritage. The sub-grants will support artistic productions such as theatre, documentaries, and public installations, with a focus on engaging communities and promoting intercultural dialogue. Grantees will showcase their work at regional reconciliation events and receive mentoring to enhance their impact.
Work Package 4 focuses on the management, coordination, and communication activities for the project. It involves establishing a Project Management Team (PMT) with clear roles and responsibilities and conducting regular meetings to ensure smooth implementation. The team will oversee financial management, reporting, monitoring, and evaluation throughout the project’s duration. A Communication and Visibility Strategy will be developed to promote the project and ensure adherence to EU guidelines. Additionally, an online comparative study will be produced, with contributions from all participating countries, culminating in policy recommendations. Monitoring and evaluation will be continuous, with internal and external assessments at key milestones.