Milosh joined CID in 2008 as a high-school student that decided to use the opportunities that were given to him from a local youth led organisation. In CID he has been involved in different levels and structures. At the moment he is the acting executive director but but before he has been a local volunteer, CID Academy graduate, sending officer, junior and senior facilitator in MultiKulti, project officer and project coordinator. At the moment Milosh is coordinating the management board and also is representing CID in the Advisory Council on Youth in the Council of Europe. Beside this Milosh is responsible for the representation of CID in the international network DYPALL (Discovering Youth Participation at Local Level). Milosh is responsible for the management of projects that are funded by the European Commission and the UNDP in Macedonia.

Trainer in non-formal education on following topics:

  • Hate Speech and Hate Crime
  • Project Development and Management
  • Capacity building of CSO
  • Youth participation
  • Youth work
  • Human Rights Education

Part of pool of trainers of international organisations:

  • Youth for Exchange and Understanding (2015-2016-2017)
  • European Youth Forum (2015-2016)
  • Council of Europe (2015-)

CID member since: 2008

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