As part of the project Social Inclusion through Entrepreneurship, a KA2 strategic partnership coordinated by CID and implemented in partnership with WIsamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH (Germany) and Out of the Box International (Belgium), a training course was held in Lepizig, Germany, between 15-19 May 2017. The staff training focused on social inclusion of citizens with fewer opportunities, especially people with a migrant background including refugees and young offenders.
The main aim of the training was to support the experiential learning of the participants and build their competences and motivation to understand the potential obstacles for citizens with fewer opportunities and how to empower them. In order to reach this a combination of workshops, study visits and personal meetings with trainers and learners were scheduled. The participants learnt about counselling and training methods, tested them themselves and exchanged information as well as good practices.
The training offered the participants the possibility to visit the Wisamar language school and assist at a running integration course. They also visited Existenzgründerzentrum Leipzig and learned about what it takes to become an entrepreneur in Germany and in the region of Saxony specifically. They also learned from Anne Berger (Wisamar) about the coaching tool ProfilPASS, a competence assessment tool that considers all different fields of life (instead of focusing on school and working life and is therefore especially interesting for target groups at risk.
The participants evaluated the training as a positive learning experience, highlighting the utility of the ProfilPASS workshop and mentioning that they have enriched their knowledge with some good practices from Germany.