After participating in five different kinds of projects from the Erasmus+ program in the last six months, I decided to go on a training course to learn about the topic that I am most interested in: employability.

This training course in Novi Sad gave me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge in the field, learn more general knowledge about the realistic aspects of employability, about job opportunities in the participant’s countries, about entrepreneurship, and about inclusion of marginalized groups in our society. We had many group tasks, of which the most important were the survey that we made in the center of Novi Sad about their opinion on the job opportunities in their local community, after which we presented the given results. Our last days on the project were spent having activities regarding this EU program and what more we can gain through it. In the end, this resulted in putting our ideas into projects we started developing, ones that we can realize if we have the will for it.

I really enjoyed the time spent on the course, and I especially loved the atmosphere and people there, seeing how we quickly developed cooperation and bond early on in the course. I would definitely recommend this program to every young person because it gives a variety of perks, starting from theoretical and practical knowledge on the topic of the project, developing soft skills that you can use in your everyday life, meeting different kinds of people from diverse backgrounds from all across Europe, giving you a chance to exchange cultures, opinions, and experiences. At the end of the training, it is obvious that every moment had influenced us and changed the way we saw, thought, or felt about our surroundings, changed our personality and made us new and improved people.

Aleksandar Karatosho 
