Democratic governance of local youth organizations

Supported by: Erasmus+ / European Commission Period: Partners: Aim: The project is addressing one of the key issues in youth organizing: the aspect of real, effective and meaningful participation, quality management and outreach. Key project activities: –...
Youth Voice Macedonia

Youth Voice Macedonia

Supported by: National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Period: January 2016 – January 2017 Partners: Partners Foundation for Local Development, Romania (FPDL) Aim: The Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) will use Endowment support to promote youth civic...
Civil Society for European Integration

Civil Society for European Integration

Civil Society for European Integration is a project developed in partnership with MGC and EPA that will last for 14 months and will engage civil society organisations in order to increase their sustainability, autonomy and overall capacity to harmonize with the...
Inclusive youth participation in diverse communities

Inclusive youth participation in diverse communities

Supported by: Council of Europe Target group: young people coming from areas where a lot of minorities live Period: January – July 2015 Aim: The project aims to encourage active youth participation from minority youth in Macedonia within existing local youth policy...
To be or not to be formal

To be or not to be formal

Period: February 2015 – December 2016 Aim: The general aim of the project is be to implement, test and standardize a set of rules for non-formal educational activities with and for young people who are at severe risk of social exclusion or marginalization. The...

E-Region: Internet Space for Cross-Border Cooperation

Financed by: European Commission/IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Period: 16.05.2014-16.05.2015 Aim: The project ‘E-Region: Development Opportunity’ aims to enhance social cohesion in the cross border region of Macedonia and Bulgaria, through development of online...