by Elena Ceban | May 23, 2016 | MultiKulti, News |
The success of the CUBE project prompted us to continue offering young people the opportunity to learn a new skill and make new friends. This season, MultiKулти is offering 4 workshops: Theatre, Recycling Arts, Photography and Career interests. The workshops are...
by Elena Ceban | May 20, 2016 | News |
In parallel with the MultiKulti workshops that are happening in April and May, a special kind of workshop is being held on a weekly basis: the „Art and Craft” workshop, which is part of the CU TENDA project (see description below). The workshops are gathering around...
by Elena Ceban | May 20, 2016 | News |
When it comes to youth participation, the results are most visible when the youth comes together to create something. This time the youth from three cities – Kumanovo, Skopje and Veles – came together to share their work of the past 6 months on different initiatives....
by Elena Ceban | May 6, 2016 | News |
CID has a longstanding partnership with YEU (Youth for Exchange and Understanding). This year, two more junior trainers joined the YEU PET – pool of trainers: Dragana Jovanovska and Florim Rexhepi. Together with the Vice-President Matej Manevski and the senior...
by Elena Ceban | May 6, 2016 | News |
As a member of YEU International, CID is taking part in its long-term project called ”RESTART: Rethinking, Assessing, Activating And Evaluating Youth Organizations”. The project is focusing on finding new methodologies and methods to increase youth participation of...