STEP to change, build the common path

Project name: STEP to Change, build the common path. A global initiative to empower youth organisations and to valorise the impact of volunteering (STEPS) Supported by: Erasmus + programme Period: 01-01-2017 – 01-09-2018 Partners: SCI Catalunya, CID Macedonia,...

The Future of Youth Work

Supported by: Erasmus + programme Period: 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2019 Partners: Project 2020 Community Interest Company (UK), MITTETULUNDUSUHING INVOLVED (Estonia) Description:  Main aim of this project is to provide an opportunity to emerging youth workers to gain...

Route to Connect

Supported by: European Youth Foundation Partners: A Route To Connect team is responsible for implementation of the project. The members of the team take care of organising key activities and ensuring the quality of projects outputs. Find out more about the team here....