by admin | Mar 14, 2018 | Uncategorized |
This article’s aim is to present the perceptions and experience of the Macedonian group with the ‘Stand up against bullying’ mobility. The mobility took place in Arcos de Valdevez, a municipality in the northern part of Portugal, from February 24th to March 2nd....
by admin | Mar 10, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Our 2 French volunteers, Baptiste Enormand and Baptiste Garnier, who are developing a 6-month project in the youth center, have come up with the great idea of organizing table tennis tournaments with local youth. Why they did it and how it happened is what you can...
by admin | Feb 14, 2018 | Uncategorized |
I was one of the chosen participants in the training course by the name of The Bearable Lightness of Being a Youth Worker in Latvia, alongside two other amazing Macedonian participants, Stefan Karakachanov and Elena Dimovska and I can gladly say that it was one of the...
by admin | Jan 17, 2018 | Uncategorized |
YE “Unity in Diversity” , 3-10.01.2018, Kirsehir, Turkey. 3rd of January at Skopje Alexander The Great Airport. Me on the gate, waiting for my participants from Macedonia. I was the group leader for the first time in this kind of project. Usually,...
by admin | Jan 17, 2018 | Uncategorized |
YE “Unity in Diversity” , 3-10.01.2018, Kirsehir, Turkey. 3rd of January at Skopje Alexander The Great Airport. Me on the gate, waiting for my participants from Macedonia. I was the group leader for the first time in this kind of project. Usually,...
by admin | Dec 5, 2017 | Uncategorized |
by admin | Nov 29, 2017 | Uncategorized |
In the last week of November, CID participated in a 4-day meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 24-27 November 2017, in the framework of the project You are Welcome, implemented by Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. Memorare Pacem and supported by the Europe for...
by admin | Nov 28, 2017 | Uncategorized |
One of the most meaningful events related to the No Hate Speech Movement and organised in Macedonia every year by Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is the No Hate School. The No Hate School gathers educators, youth workers, researchers, practitioners in the...
by admin | Oct 31, 2017 | Uncategorized |
One year ago when I decided to start my studies in Ottoman language I already knew that I will have to spend the summer of 2017 in Turkey to experience their challenging language, renowned history and hospitable culture firsthand. Not long after I started to look for...